Monday, March 9, 2020


The benefits of road construction are very important for people's lives. Roads are the main infrastructure for land transportation, so their existence is a major supporter of community economic and non-economic activities.

With the construction of the toll road, the economic activities of the community will be smoother. This smooth economic activity will have a major impact on Indonesia's national income, because the distribution process in economic activities is better and more evenly distributed.

In addition to being an infrastructure for economic activities, roads also play a role in supporting non-economic activities in the community. Promoting cultural exchange, supporting national defense and defense in Indonesia and many other countries are some of its examples.

Dibawah ini ada video materi tentang ROADS. Silahkan disimak & jika ada pertanyaan silahkan ditanyakan di WA group.

Best regards,
Juvrianto CJ, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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