Monday, October 19, 2020

Dasar Metodologi Penelitian (Sandu Siyoto)

Buku kecil ini, ditulis khusus untuk mendampingi para peneliti yang sedang merencanakan dan merancang penelitaian sebagai salah satu referensi. Buku sederhana ini hanyalah sebutir pasir dalam paran samudra ilmu penelitian yang luas. Menurut Yoseph, 1979, penelitian adalah art and science guna mencari jawaban terhadap suatu permasalahan. Karena seni dan ilmiah maka penelitian juga akan memberikan ruang-ruang yang akan mengakomodasi adanya perbedaan tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan penelitian. Hakekat penelitian dapat dipahami dengan mempelajari berbagai aspek yang mendorong penelitian untuk melakukan penelitian. Setiap orang mempunyai motivasi yan berbeda, diantaranya dipengaruhi oleh tujuan dan profesi masing-masing. Motivasi dan tujun penelitian secara umum pada dasarnya adalah sama, yaitu bahwa penelitian merupakan refleksi dari keinginan manusia yang umumnya menjadi motivasi untuk melakukan penelitian, semakin pesatnya dan berkembangnya penelitian ilmiah akan semakin meningkatkan derajat kehidupan manusia.


Jika kesulitan download, silahkan menonton video tutorial download dibawah ini. Harap menggunakan Laptop/PC.

Buku Metodologi Penelitian dalam Pendidikan Jasmani (M.E. Winarno)

Metodologi Penelitian dalam Pendidikan Jasmani ini akan sangat membantu mahasiswa maupun kalangan akademisi yang ingin memahami lebih lanjut lagi mengenai metode penelitian dalam kajian Pendidikan Jasmani.


Dibawah ini adalah tutorial download dari google drive kami (menggunakan laptop/PC akan lebih baik)

Friday, June 26, 2020


Communication is what is giving value to information, and is thus crucial in any engineering decision making. But although Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has improved enormously, civil engineering communication has by far not used its huge potentials. A civil engineer can use ICT in communication, both in the field project or at the office. Nowadays, people get use to apply modern communication while working, such as emailing, telephoning or even advertising. Those examples above are only some of many ways to communicate. In this topic we will learn more about how to use email, telephone and advertisement in communicating as civil engineer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Giving instruction is a way when we order or ask someone to do something for us. This is very closely related to one type of text that is used to give members a step in the making or process of something. In this topic, we will use Procedure text. The procedure which we are going to discuss is the way explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. A procedure is a specified series of actions or operations which have to be executed in the same manner in order to always obtain the same result under the same circumstances (for example, emergency procedures).

Silahkan simak video presentasi dan penjelasan materinya dibawah ini.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Signage is the design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message to a specific group, usually for the purpose of marketing or a kind of advocacy. A signage also means signs collectively or being considered as a group. The term signage is documented to have been popularized in 1975 to 1980. Signs are any kind of visual graphics created to display information to a particular audience. This is typically manifested in the form of way finding information in places such as streets or on the inside and outside buildings. Signs vary in form and size based on location and intent, from more expansive banners, billboards, and murals, to smaller street signs, street name signs, sandwich boards and lawn signs. Newer signs may also use digital or electronic displays. - Traffic control device is the medium used for communicating between traffic engineer and road users. Unlike other modes of transportation, there is no control on the drivers using the road. Here traffic control devices come to the help of the traffic engineer. The major types of traffic control devices used are- traffic signs, road markings, traffic signals and parking control. This chapter discusses traffic control signs. Different types of traffic signs are regulatory signs, warning signs and informatory signs.

Dibawah ini adalah video presentasi materi Traffic Control / Signage.


Everyone knows what a bridge is, particularly for the engineer. A civil engineer can design a bridge that used to cross from point A to point B etc. Below is the history of bridges. Bridge is not a construction but it is a concept, the concept of crossing over large spans of land or huge masses of water, and to connect two far-off points, eventually reducing the distance between them. The bridge provides passage over the obstacle of small caverns, a valley, road, body of water, or other physical obstacle. Designs of bridges vary depending on the nature of the terrain and the function of the bridge and where it is constructed. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the origin of the word bridge to an Old English word brycg, of the same meaning, derived from German root brugj?.


Dibawah ini adalah video penjelasan presentasi mengenai topik "Bridges". Harap menyimak videonya dengan baik.



An intersection is the area shared by the joining or crossing of two or more roads. Since the main function of an intersection is to enable the road user to make a route choice, it is a point of decision. Hence the problems that are encountered by the motorist while passing through an intersection must be recognized and the design should be in such a way that the driving task is as simple as possible. An intersection is an at-grade junction where two or more roads or streets meet or cross. Intersections may be classified by number of road segments, traffic controls or lane design (Wikipedia).


Dibawah ini adalah video YouTube presentase tentang Intersections. Harap disimak dengan baik penjelasannya.


Sunday, March 15, 2020


Buku metode penelitian pendidikan karangan Prof. Dr. Sugiyono yang diterbitkan oleh: CV Alfabeta, dengan nomor ISBN: 979-8433-71-8 membahas secara detail tentang seluk beluk dalam melakukan suatu penelitian secara lengkap, khususnya penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan Research and Development (R&D). Download file lengkap dari Google Drive di link dibawah ini.

Buat kalian yang butuh referensi, kalian pilih saja mau download buku penelitian versi yang mana, sesuai dengan kebutuhan kalian yah.

Video cara download ada dibawah ini (sebaiknya menggunakan Laptop/PC)

Thursday, March 12, 2020


The word highway goes back to the elevated Roman roads that had a mound or hill formed by earth from the side ditches thrown toward the centre, thus high way. The word street originates with the Latin strata (initially, “paved”) and later strata via (“a way paved with stones”). On June 29, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. The bill created a 41,000-mile “National System of Interstate and Defense Highways” that would, according to Eisenhower, eliminate unsafe roads, inefficient routes, traffic jams and all of the other things that got in the way of “speedy, safe transcontinental travel.”


Silahkan simak video presentasi tentang materi ini melalui video YouTube dibawah ini.



Under this topic title, we will learn how to ask for directions and how to give directions to someone who asked us. When you need to go to somewhere, sometimes you don’t know the way how to get there. This is the purpose of this topic. While, if someone asks you about the direction to go to somewhere, you know how to explain the way.


Dibawah ini ada video presentasi penjelasan materi Asking and Giving Direction via video YouTube. Harap disimak video penjelasannya dengan baik.


Setelah menyimak/menonton materi presentasi mengenai topik Asking and Giving Direction, dibawah ini adalah link untuk tugasnya.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Business English-After finishing the fourth Horizon core level, students can choose to continue with general/life English, or can choose to specialize in Business English. Horizon's Business English program imports the 'Intelligent Business' series by Pearson Longman Education Company from the USA. The 'Intelligent Business' series is a comprehensive textbook and multimedia program. Each unit has a general business theme as well as a focus on career skills, with language points as well as broader topics such as ethics and corporate responsibility.

All 'Intelligent Business' classes are taught by a native English speaker, many of which have true trade and business experience. The 'Intelligent Business' series is Study Method by opening special Business English classes with industry specific language points from the area's dominant industries, such as leather, warp knitting, and solar energy. With a large number of students seeking to improve and expand their business knowledge.



Barron’s TOEIC preparation course material is an English teaching package that contents the teaching materials, the teaching method, and the teaching strategies for preparing the students to comprehend the listening and the reading skills in general and comprehend the TOEIC test in particular. Among TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS, TOEIC is focused on the field of business where the content of the materials related to the language use. It helps the nonnative speakers in improving their English skills of business field. That is why the English teaching material of the Barron’s TOEIC preparation course package is provided for the vocational school students in general and business and management department in particular. Some points that make TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS different are in the model of listening, the language use, and the English skills teaching material. The model of listening of TOEIC uses pictures that will help the learners to comprehend the speakers talk easier. Then all pictures related to the business field that available for the vocational schools students in general and business department students in particular. There are two sections on the TOEIC preparation course material, the listening and reading materials.  Each part both listening and reading consist of some subpart.


Command is used to ask someone to do something or to command someone to do something.
Prohibition is used to warn someone not do something or to forbid someone not do something.
Command digunakan untuk meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu atau untuk memerintahkan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu hal, sedangkan Prohibition digunakan untuk mengingatkan seseorang untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu atau untuk melarang seseorang untuk melakukan suatu hal.


Silahkan simak video presentasi dari materi dibawah ini.



Cause and Reason/Effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang menandakan sebab akibat, misalnya: because, for, since, when, dan as.
Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.

Dibawah ini adalah video materi penjelasan dari Cause and Reason/Effect. Silahkan disimak sampai selesai.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Hello friends
Kali ini saya akan share buku-buku ESP (English for Specific Purposes) yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai sumber.
Perlu diketahui bahwa ESP adalah penjaran bahasa Inggris yang dikhususkan untuk kebutuhan tertentu seperti perkantoran, bank, akuntansi, kedokteran, bidang teknik dan lain sebagainya.

Perbedaan paling penting terletak pada pembelajar dan tujuan mereka untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Siswa ESP biasanya orang dewasa yang sudah memiliki beberapa kenalan dengan bahasa Inggris dan sedang belajar bahasa untuk berkomunikasi seperangkat keterampilan profesional dan untuk melakukan fungsi terkait pekerjaan tertentu. Oleh karena itu, program ESP dibangun berdasarkan penilaian tujuan dan kebutuhan serta fungsi-fungsi yang membutuhkan bahasa Inggris.

ESP lebih berkonsentrasi pada bahasa dalam konteks daripada pada pengajaran tata bahasa dan struktur bahasa. Ini mencakup mata pelajaran yang bervariasi dari akuntansi atau ilmu komputer untuk pariwisata dan manajemen bisnis. Titik fokus ESP adalah bahwa bahasa Inggris tidak diajarkan sebagai subjek yang terpisah dari dunia nyata (atau keinginan) siswa; alih-alih, ini diintegrasikan ke dalam bidang materi pelajaran yang penting bagi peserta didik.

Namun, ESL dan ESP tidak hanya berbeda dalam sifat pelajar, tetapi juga dalam tujuan pengajaran. Bahkan, sebagai aturan umum, sementara di ESL keempat keterampilan bahasa; mendengarkan, membaca, berbicara, dan menulis, ditekankan secara setara, dalam ESP merupakan analisis kebutuhan yang menentukan keterampilan bahasa mana yang paling dibutuhkan oleh siswa, dan silabus dirancang sesuai dengan itu. Suatu program ESP, mungkin, misalnya, menekankan pengembangan keterampilan membaca pada siswa yang sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk pekerjaan pascasarjana dalam administrasi bisnis; atau mungkin mempromosikan pengembangan keterampilan berbicara pada siswa yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris untuk menjadi pemandu wisata.

Faktanya, ESP menggabungkan materi pelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Kombinasi semacam itu sangat memotivasi karena siswa dapat menerapkan apa yang mereka pelajari di kelas bahasa Inggris ke bidang studi utama mereka, apakah itu akuntansi, manajemen bisnis, ekonomi, ilmu komputer atau pariwisata. Mampu menggunakan kosa kata dan struktur yang mereka pelajari dalam konteks yang bermakna memperkuat apa yang diajarkan dan meningkatkan motivasi mereka.

Buku-buku yang saya share berasal dari Career Paths: English for Specific Purpose (ESP) yang dapat diakses melalui link:

Silahkan diunduh secara gratis lewat link dibawah ini.

Monday, March 9, 2020


The benefits of road construction are very important for people's lives. Roads are the main infrastructure for land transportation, so their existence is a major supporter of community economic and non-economic activities.

With the construction of the toll road, the economic activities of the community will be smoother. This smooth economic activity will have a major impact on Indonesia's national income, because the distribution process in economic activities is better and more evenly distributed.

In addition to being an infrastructure for economic activities, roads also play a role in supporting non-economic activities in the community. Promoting cultural exchange, supporting national defense and defense in Indonesia and many other countries are some of its examples.

Dibawah ini ada video materi tentang ROADS. Silahkan disimak & jika ada pertanyaan silahkan ditanyakan di WA group.

Best regards,
Juvrianto CJ, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Below is learning material for English for Civil Engineering.
Please download via the link below.

Best regards,
Juvrianto CJ, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Using News Video in Developing Language Skills

Image source:


One influencing factor in developing the various teaching technique is the use of ICT. Information and communication technology or ICT allow users to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technologies. By this definition, you could almost say ICT is technology's version of economic growth, to satisfy the needs and wants of the community over time. ICT tools can be used to find, explore, analyze, exchange and present information responsibly and without discrimination. ICT can be employed to give users quick access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures.

Information and communication technologies in education deal with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within educational technology. Educational technology (also called learning technology) is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources." The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theory. While instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability. Educational Technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications and activities.
In this paper, teaching language skills using video is introduced. The language skills discussed in this paper are Listening, Speaking and Writing. Video as audio visual aids is beneficial for the teacher and students in English Language Teaching. Video can be used as an aid to teach the four skills namely reading, listening, speaking and writing.

BOOK REVIEW: Language Curriculum Design

Title                 : Language Curriculum Design

Author             : I.S.P. Nation & John Macalister

Publisher         : New York: Routledge. 2010

Page                : 241 pages

Curriculum, or course, design is largely a “how-to-do-it” activity and so a large part of this book involves description of the steps involved in the curriculum design process and the elaboration and justification of these steps. The book also provides opportunities for practising and applying the steps.

Although curriculum design is a “how-to-do-it” activity, the description of the steps needs to be done at a general level in order that they can be applied in a wide range of particular circumstances. Such a description will only come to life if there are plenty of examples of actual applications of the steps. In this book this is done in the following ways in each chapter.

1.      Examples from the writers’ experience and from published research are described.

2.      Tasks are provided which encourage the users of the book to relate the steps to their own experience.

3.      Case studies are described and further reading is suggested that will put the users of this book in touch with others’ experience.


This book consists of 14 chapters. Generally, Chapter 1 provides an overview of Chapters 2 to 8 which are the major steps in the curriculum design process. Chapter 9 describes several ways in which these steps can be covered. Chapters 10 to 14 take up important issues in curriculum design, namely involving learners in curriculum design, choosing and modifying course books, innovation theory, retraining teachers and helping teachers and learners make use of a course. In this first chapter of this book (Language Curriculum Design: An Overview), the authors briefly present an overview of the major parts of the curriculum design process that will be looked at in more detail in the following chapters of the book, with each of the early chapters focusing on a different part of the model in the curriculum design process. As I have stated in the early writing that this book provides examples, tasks, and case studies in each chapter, and I must say that it is very useful for engaging the readers’ understanding and interest of this book. Explanations from the authors in each subchapter, which is the steps in curriculum design, are very clear since it followed by related theory, strong argument, and valuable experience. The authors also sharpen what they have explained into a brief clear conclusion. As we can see in page 11, there is a summary of the steps: examine the environment, assess needs, decide on principles, set goals, and choose and sequence content, design the lesson format, include assessment procedures, and evaluate the course. The purpose of this chapter has been to briefly describe the major parts of the curriculum design model. In the following chapters, each of the parts will be looked at in more detail. In addition, topics including evaluating course books, innovation, and designing in-service courses will be covered. Curriculum design is in essence a practical activity. Because of this the tasks which follow each chapter provide an important part of learning about curriculum design.

Chapters 2 (Environment Analysis) of this book examine one of the parts of the curriculum design process that is environment analysis in detail, drawing on relevant theory and research. It is possible to design courses without drawing on relevant research, theory and experience. In all but a few fortunate cases this results in common faults in curriculum design being made yet again. Nation and Macalister here present enlightenment about environment analysis through definitions from experts, examples, the constraints and dealing with the constraints itself, and the steps. What I can notice in this chapter is the authors deals the problems (constraints) by making the reader understand it. In page 16, it is clearly presented in table, where the reader can grab the point. 

The focus of chapter 3 (Need Analysis) is to discover what needs to be learned and the learners want to learn. Needs analysis is directed mainly at the goals and content of a course. It examines what the learners know already and what they need to know. Needs analysis makes sure that the course will contain relevant and useful things to learn. The authors emphasize the urgency of need analysis in curriculum design by explain some aspects, they are the various focuses of needs analysis, discovering needs, needs analysis tools, evaluating needs analysis, and issues in needs analysis. Needs analysis makes sure the course will be relevant and satisfying to the learners, thereby it meets the learners’ needs. Environment analysis looks at the way the course needs to fit the situation in which it occurs. Looking at principles makes sure that the course fits with what we know about teaching and learning. That is the subject of the next chapter.

Chapter 4 of this book describes a list of 20 principles that can be used to guide curriculum design. It is not an exhaustive list and is based to some degree on the personal prejudices of the writers. The purpose of this chapter is to show that a sensible basis to guide teaching and to help in the design of courses rests on following principles. These principles must be based on research and theory, and must be general enough to allow variety and flexibility in their application to suit the wide range of conditions in which language is taught. The previous discussion of the twenty principles has attempted to explain the principles and to indicate their application in curriculum design. The list of principles however has a much wider range of uses. This chapter has suggested twenty principles of teaching and learning that can provide a basis for curriculum design and evaluation, and teacher development. The selection and ranking of these principles reflect a personal view of language teaching.The authors have tried to balance this by seeking suggestions from colleagues and by comparing the list with points made in articles in professional journals and with overviews of curriculum design and language teaching and learning. One of the values in using a principle-based approach to language teaching is that developments in theory and research can be easily accommodated by altering, expanding, removing or adding a principle without having to discard all the other principles. In this way our knowledge of language teaching can grow without being subject to the blanket acceptance or rejection that is typical of methods. The information gathered by considering principles, by doing needs analysis, and by doing environment analysis provides essential input for setting course goals and deciding what goes into a course, which is the subject of the following chapter.

Chapter 5 deals with Goals, Content, and Sequencing. The authors give long clarification about them clearly and of course they complete it with examples. The unit of progression in a course is usually what the curriculum designer sees as being important for learning. This means that it has an effect on the kinds of activities used which is a part of the format and presentation part of curriculum design. We look at format and presentation in the following chapter.

In this chapter 6 (Format and Presentation) we can see the format and presentation part of the curriculum design process. For those unfamiliar with the curriculum design process, the format and presentation part is what they think of as curriculum design – designing lessons in sets of lessons. Some “methods” of language teaching like Total Physical Response (TPR) or the oral-aural approach were largely innovations solely or largely in the format and presentation area, with little or no contribution to content and sequencing or monitoring and assessment. So far, we can look the outer circles of the curriculum design model which provide valuable information to guide the application of the processes in the large inner circle. The readers can also look the goals, content and sequencing, and in this chapter, format and presentation. In the next chapter we will complete our coverage of the large inner circle by looking at how teachers can see where learners are in their learning and whether they are making progress – monitoring and assessment.

Chapter 7 is about Monitoring and Assessment. Assessment is a major source of information for the evaluation of a course and thus its gradual improvement. Assessment also contributes significantly to the teacher’s and learners’ sense of achievement in a course and thus is important for motivation. It is often neglected in curriculum design and courses are less effective as a result. Curriculum design should include the planning of a well-thought-out programme of assessment of various kinds. We now go on to look at evaluation in the next chapter.

Chapter 8 talks about Evaluation. The authors conclude that the steps in evaluation process are: Evaluation is an essential part of good curriculum design. It ensures that weaknesses in curriculum design are found and repaired. It allows for the adjustment of a course to a changing environment and changing needs. If evaluation is well planned, it can help teachers develop professionally and come to feel that the course is truly their own. We have now covered all the eight parts of the curriculum design model. In the next chapter we look at the various ways in which the whole process of curriculum design might be carried out.

In chapter 9 Approaches to Curriculum Design, the authors want the readers be able to decide on a starting point for curriculum design, and a way of covering the steps.  This chapter has looked at the meeting of the theory of curriculum design and the practical issues of putting curriculum design into practice. The approaches described here represent different ways of taking account of constraints upon curriculum design, particularly those of time, skill and the need for flexibility in using courses. With all of the compromises necessary, it is important to make sure that the various parts of the curriculum design process are given proper consideration at some point in the curriculum design activity. The main purpose of this book is to describe those parts and the steps involved in considering and applying them. An awareness of what they are should lie behind every piece of curriculum design no matter how small. In the following chapters we will look at how curriculum design applies to activities like choosing a course book, involving learners in curriculum design and teacher education.

Chapter 10 deals with Negotiated Syllabuses.  This chapter explain to us that how learners can be involved in curriculum design. The authors explain about an example of negotiated syllabuses, requirements for negotiated syllabuses, syllabuses with some elements negotiated, and advantages and disadvantages of negotiated syllabuses. In the next chapter we look at a particular kind of evaluation, evaluating a course book.

For many teachers the evaluation of course books is more important than designing courses because their teaching situation determines that they should work from a course book. It should be clear from this chapter 11 (Adopting and Adapting an Existing Course Book) that evaluating and adapting a course book draw on the same knowledge and procedures that are used when designing a course. Evaluating a course book is a small but important exercise in curriculum design. In the next chapter, we look at something which is related to choosing a new course book – getting others to accept change.

Let us conclude this chapter 12 (Introducing Change) by looking at ways of resisting change. We may recognise many of these subversive strategies from your own observation of working in teachers’ groups and of political debates.

         Agree to everything but do nothing.

         Accuse the change proposer of seeking personal gains. Argue that although the ideas may be good, they will not work in the local conditions.

         Question the credentials of the change proposers. Find examples of unsuccessful change in other places or at other times.

More positively, each of these ways of resisting change can be countered by taking account of the particular steps in the change process outlined at the beginning of this chapter. In the next chapter we will look at one way in which change can occur, through in-service courses.

In this chapter 13 (Planning an In-Service Course) we look at short-term courses, and the planning that is needed for their success. The planning of short-term in-service courses is included in this book for two main reasons. First, short in-service courses represent a small-scale exercise in curriculum design. That is, planning a short in-service course involves very similar decisions to planning a language course, and the model of curriculum design used in this book is relevant. Second, in-service courses are a major way of bringing about innovative curriculum change. In the next and final chapter we will survey what has been covered in this book by underlining how the parts of the curriculum design process apply to the daily work of teachers.

Chapter 14 (Teaching and Curriculum Design) as the last chapter of this book concludes that curriculum design as a process with a variety of starting points and with continual opportunity to return to parts of the curriculum design model to revise, reconsider and re-evaluate. It has also been shown that curriculum design does not need to be a large-scale operation. The whole curriculum design process can be applied to something as small as an activity in a lesson. Alternatively, attention can be focused on just one part of the curriculum design process.


            Curriculum design involves the integration of knowledge from many of the areas in the field of Applied Linguistics, such as language acquisition research, teaching methodology, assessment, language description and materials production. In many ways, the study of curriculum design is central to the study of Applied Linguistics. Combining sound research/theory with state-of-the art practice, Language Curriculum Design is widely applicable for ESL/EFL language education courses around the world. 


I.S.P. Nation and John Macalister. 2010. Language Curriculum Design. New York: Routledge.