Wednesday, February 28, 2024

PINTU GERBANG PENGETAHUAN: Pengantar Pendidikan untuk Perjalanan Pembelajaran yang Inspiratif

Book Cover

Setiap siswa mempunyai pengalaman unik di sekolah, namun banyak yang mengatakan bahwa sekolah itu sulit. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi sulit karena siswa tidak dapat belajar secara efektif tanpa memaksakan batas kemampuan mereka setiap hari. Namun, ada beberapa hal yang dapat membuat proses pendidikan lebih menyenangkan dan bermanfaat. Memiliki guru yang lemah lembut dan pengertian merupakan salah satu aspek yang dapat membuat sekolah menjadi lebih baik. Faktor lain yang tak kalah penting adalah belajar di lingkungan yang nyaman dan kreatif.

Siswa perlu merasa terinspirasi dan terlibat di kelas untuk mengakses kreativitas mereka dan mengekspresikannya sesuai kebutuhan. Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa siswa muda suka bermain dengan kata-kata, warna, atau tekstur dan menciptakan kreasi mereka sendiri. Lingkungan yang menginspirasi memungkinkan mereka untuk melatih kreativitas mereka dan merasa nyaman melakukannya.

Jika Anda seorang pendidik, luangkan waktu untuk mempersonalisasi ruang kelas untuk memastikan siswa Anda terus tertarik dengan lingkungan belajar mereka. Cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini adalah dengan mendorong kelas untuk membuat dekorasi. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat mengejutkan siswa Anda dengan dekorasi yang menyenangkan dengan melihat tema dekorasi kelas. Mendekorasi ruang kelas untuk menandai suatu peristiwa atau menyajikan suatu mata pelajaran akan membuat siswa Anda tetap bersemangat di sekolah.

Anak-anak dan remaja selalu ingin tahu tentang segala hal, dan pikiran mereka menyerap informasi seperti spons. Belajar dalam lingkungan yang merangsang secara visual dapat membuat siswa senang dan puas. Selama bersekolah, mereka pasti merasa tertantang untuk menggunakan kemampuan kognitif, indra, dan imajinasinya. Stimulasi tersebut dapat berasal dari pembelajaran, namun sebagian dapat pula berasal dari lingkungan. Siswa akan menganggap ruang kelas biasa-biasa saja sebagai sesuatu yang membosankan. Stimulasi kognitif dan visual sangat penting untuk perkembangan otak, sehingga menjaga siswa tetap tertarik dengan lingkungannya adalah komponen kunci dari proses pendidikan.

Lingkungan yang penuh warna dan inspiratif membantu siswa menjalani hari-hari sekolah dengan penuh semangat terhadap tugas dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Ini juga membantu mereka mengembangkan hubungan emosional dengan kelas, teman sekelas, dan guru. Jika mereka merasa nyaman di dalam kelas, kemungkinan besar mereka ingin berada di sana.

Anak-anak tidak membutuhkan banyak hal fisik atau materi untuk berkembang. Namun, mereka memerlukan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi minat, mengembangkan keterampilan, dan menguji kreativitas mereka. Lingkungan belajar yang menginspirasi harus menyediakan siswa dengan semua alat, bahan, dan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk membangun keterampilan dan memperluas pengetahuan mereka tentang dunia fisik dan kognitif.

Untuk merasa terinspirasi di kelas, siswa harus memiliki akses ke buku, album foto, karya seni, alat musik, perlengkapan seni, dan bahan lain yang dapat membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu dan mendorong mereka untuk bertanya. Jika Anda seorang pendidik, perkenalkan siswa Anda pada materi dan sumber daya yang dapat memulai percakapan bermanfaat tentang topik yang dibahas selama pelajaran.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Book Cover: English for Civil Engineering

English has long been known as an international language used in almost all parts of the world. By mastering English, a person has the opportunity to communicate with people from other parts of the world. You don't have to communicate with people from countries that use English as a national language such as the United States, England or Australia, but also with citizens of other countries. English is a global language today. Indians, Chinese or Turks are already using English to expand business.

For communication purposes, an engineering worker should pay attention to the following: 1. Most of the theory is taught in English. For this reason, the expected level of English proficiency is very important. 2. Today's engineering workers must communicate with colleagues spread across the world. Among most professionals such as scientists, technologists and business experts who have different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, English is considered a communication language that can connect people from different backgrounds.

For professional purposes, English may be very useful. Here are some reasons: 1. In today's world, employers are looking for graduates with good communication skills, along with technical knowledge. 2. Having good communication skills is a valuable asset for engineering workers. Professionals with a good understanding of English are included in higher level standards in a company. These workers will have a greater opportunity to be sent abroad to work or to undergo training.

English is a universal language used in many fields of work including engineering. In fact, English is considered a language that can open up knowledge. Today, most books dealing with the latest technology, academic papers, notes, webinars, and other technical communications are in English — although many translations provide technical material in several languages. English proficiency can ensure access to new knowledge, enabling engineering workers to learn more about their craft, share ideas with others in different parts of the world via social media, and find better solutions to the problems they are working on.

If you want to take this study program, there is no need to worry because civil engineering has many opportunities in society. Apart from being a private employee working in the housing industry, you can also try registering with various government agencies.

Several government agencies that require civil engineering graduates are the National Planning Agency or BPN, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR, as well as other state-owned companies engaged in the construction sector.

There is no need to be afraid of not getting a job after graduating because there are still many people who need services for building houses, buildings and regional infrastructure.

Not to mention, development in Indonesia still needs to be worked on so that it becomes more evenly distributed from one region to another. So, worrying about the lack of job vacancies in this field doesn't need to be on your mind anymore.

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Teknik termasuk dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK) yang bertujuan untuk pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris dan agar mahasiswa mampu mengetahui, memahami serta berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris  dalam  bidang  rekayasa Teknik Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan dengan baik dan benar; serta memiliki kemampuan dasar bahasa Inggris yang dilatihkan yaitu  reading,  listening, speaking, dan writing dalam topik bahasan: Introduction to English for Civil Engineering, Buliding Materials, Basic Math, Hand and Power Tools, Describing Shapes, Asking and Giving Directions, Asking and Giving Suggestion, Measurements & Safety Equipments and Precautions, dan Hand and Power Tools.

Monday, February 5, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Safety Equipment

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment that has the ability to protect a person whose function is to isolate part or all of the body from potential dangers in the workplace. (Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, 2010). PPE is very important considering the high risk of accidents in the construction sector. Based on the article Controlling Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Risks in Construction, the number of work accidents still needs to be a big concern for the government and construction service companies. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, there were 110,285 accident cases in 2015, 105,182 accident cases in 2016, and 80,392 accident cases in 2017. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the final form of risk control based on the risk control hierarchy. Every company in the construction sector is obliged to provide PPE for workers/laborer's at the workplace.

PPE focuses on various or all things that have an influence on other aspects. Starting from a condition of safety, security and health for each worker. Even the work environment also greatly influences the project implementation process.

The main benefit of Construction PPE is to prevent, reduce and extinguish various risks of accidents, fires and even explosions. Construction PPE will also provide instructions or opportunities to escape when an emergency occurs. That way, with its application it is able to provide assistance and function as a means of protection when an accident or other emergency occurs.

In its activities with construction projects, Construction PPE controls the distribution of temperature, dust, dirt, wind, sound, vibration, and many other factors or objects so that risks such as the emergence of occupational diseases, whether physical or psychological, can be controlled. Of course, Construction PPE is very useful in various emergency situations. Its application is useful for securing and providing a smooth emergency evacuation process, and can even be used to maintain buildings.

Regulations Regarding PPE

PPE must comply with Indonesian National Standards (SNI) or applicable standards and must be worn by workers on all jobs according to the type of work. The legal basis governing the use of PPE in general is included in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number Per.08/MEN/VII/2010 concerning Personal Protective Equipment. Specific PPE regulations in the construction sector are included in the Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 05/PRT/M/2014 concerning Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (SMK3) for Construction in the Public Works Sector.

Components of Personal Protective Equipment in the Construction Workplace

PPE consists of various components to protect different parts of the body, such as Head Protective Equipment, Eye Protective Equipment, Ear Protective Equipment, Respiratory Protective Equipment, Hand Protective Equipment, Protective Clothing, and Foot Protective Equipment.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Technology-Assisted English Language Learning

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Nowadays, the role and function of information and communication technology has many roles in the world of education, especially in the learning process. One of them is learning English. In this digital era, education must integrate information and communication technology into all subjects. With the development of digital era education, it is possible for students to gain abundant knowledge quickly and easily.

In the educational context, understanding the characteristics of each generation is important to determine how effective educational strategies are provided to students. The goal is not just students' academic and pedagogical achievements, but also how the educational process can grow students' character and love for learning activities. Currently, most of Generation Zero are of school age. This means that adapting the learning system in our educational spaces must take into account the characteristics of Generation Zero to suit their needs without ignoring their interests and habituation as a generational group.

In an increasingly advanced digital era, technology has played an increasingly important role in education, especially in English language learning. The use of technology in the teaching and learning process has opened the door to more interactive, effective and fun learning methods. This has changed the landscape of English education and is key to improving students' language skills in the future. One of the main advantages of technology in English language learning is its ability to create deep and engaging learning experiences. Through online platforms, students can access a variety of resources, such as interactive training programs, multimedia learning materials, and advanced technology-based applications designed specifically for English language learning. In this way, students can learn in a way that is more interesting, involved, and suits their respective learning styles. In addition, technology also allows for better collaboration and communication between students.

Through online communication tools, students can interact with their classmates, discuss English topics, share opinions, and even participate in collaborative projects. This not only improves students' speaking and listening skills in English, but also builds confidence and collaboration skills that are important in the real world. Technology also expands the accessibility of English language learning. With the online learning platform, students from various geographical and economic backgrounds can access English learning materials flexibly and affordably. This helps overcome physical and financial barriers to obtaining a quality education, thereby expanding opportunities for everyone to develop English language skills. In addition, technology also allows for more accurate tracking and assessment of student progress in learning English. By using adaptive learning software and data analysis tools, teachers can monitor individual student progress, identify areas of weakness, and provide more personalized feedback. This allows learning to be tailored to each student's needs, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process.