Monday, December 2, 2024

Google Translate, English Language Acquisition and Civil Engineering Students


Utilizing Google Translate for English language acquisition among civil engineering students offers numerous substantial advantages. Although it cannot substitute for thorough language acquisition, Google Translate can function as a valuable resource to enhance technical comprehension and facilitate communication in academic and professional settings. The following are key advantages that can be attained: 

1. Enhance Accessibility of Educational Resources

Civil engineering students frequently encounter difficulties comprehending academic literature produced in English. The majority of scientific papers, textbooks, and other engineering resources are composed in this language. Google interpret enables students to interpret complex technical documents or articles, facilitating a deeper comprehension of the subject matter being examined. This tool enhances access to resources that may be challenging to comprehend without support. 

2. Accelerate the Translation Process

Students utilize Google Translate as a rapid tool to ascertain the meanings of unfamiliar terms or phrases in technical texts. With minimal effort, they can obtain an immediate translation, save the time that would have otherwise been spent consulting a dictionary or inquiring with their instructor. This enables them to concentrate on the fundamental comprehension and implementation of intricate technological ideas. 

3. Enhance Technical Lexicon Proficiency 

Google Translate can assist students in acquiring technical English terminology. Through the use of computerized translation, students can access the comparable technical terminology in a more familiar language. Consistent utilization can enhance their capacity to identify and retain technical terminology frequently employed in civil engineering. Students can acquire terminology such as "structural load," "earthquake resistance," or "building materials" pertinent to their field of study. 

4. Assist Students Experiencing Difficulties with Grammar 

The grammatical structure of English differs from that of Indonesian, presenting a significant obstacle for civil engineering students lacking a robust English foundation. Google Translate offers not only literal translations but also frequently delivers grammatically accurate phrase constructions in English. Although not infallible, this can provide students with insight into constructing suitable statements in technical circumstances. 

5. Assistance in Composing Engineering Reports or Articles 

The majority of engineering reports, scientific articles, and presentations within civil engineering education must be produced in English. Google Translate assists students in converting their concepts from their original language (e.g., Indonesian) into English. Although automatic translation may not be flawless, students can utilize the translation outcomes to construct a preliminary framework and subsequently enhance the phrases to align more effectively with the academic environment. 

6. Enhance Comprehension and Auditory Processing of English Audio Material 

Google Translate possesses a functionality to translate text from audio or voice, which is advantageous for comprehending lectures or presentations in English. Students may enter audio transcripts or dialogues into this program to receive immediate translations. This enables students to comprehend lectures or instructional materials in English more readily, without need on manual translators. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Image: Book Cover

Manajemen sektor pendidikan mengacu pada administrasi sistem pendidikan. Tujuan keseluruhannya adalah untuk menciptakan dan memelihara lingkungan dalam administrasi pendidikan dan lembaga pendidikan yang mempromosikan, mendukung, dan mempertahankan pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara efektif dan efisien. Untuk menyediakan pendidikan yang bermutu, pemerintah perlu memastikan ketersediaan layanan pendidikan yang relevan bagi peserta didik setiap hari. Hal ini memerlukan pengaturan kelembagaan dan organisasi yang efisien untuk mobilisasi sumber daya seperti guru, infrastruktur pendidikan, materi, dan peralatan, serta kapasitas yang kuat untuk mengatur dan mengelola sumber daya ini secara optimal dan hemat biaya sambil memastikan bahwa penyediaan layanan pendidikan menghasilkan hasil pembelajaran yang bermutu bagi peserta didik.

Kapasitas manajemen yang tidak memadai di berbagai tingkat kementerian pendidikan dan di sekolah dapat menghambat keberhasilan reformasi dan rencana sektor pendidikan serta penyediaan pendidikan yang bermutu. Banyak negara menghadapi kesulitan dalam menggunakan sumber daya secara efektif untuk meningkatkan layanan pendidikan karena mereka tidak memiliki kapasitas manajemen.Agar efisien, manajemen pendidikan bergantung pada informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu untuk menerapkan, memantau, dan mengevaluasi proses administratif dan pendidikan. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan (EMIS) memainkan peran penting dalam hal itu, memungkinkan para pengambil keputusan, pegawai administrasi, dan praktisi pendidikan untuk mengakses informasi penting yang diperlukan untuk mendorong pekerjaan mereka.

Teknologi informasi menawarkan jalur dan peluang baru untuk manajemen serta pemantauan dan evaluasi sektor pendidikan, yang memungkinkan pemerintah untuk membangun sistem data waktu nyata yang menginformasikan keputusan dan praktik pendidikan di semua tingkatan. Namun, kesenjangan digital global tetap menjadi kenyataan dan UNESCO menganjurkan penerapan sistem data, pemantauan, dan evaluasi yang realistis dan dirancang dengan cermat yang selaras dengan kapasitas yang tersedia di negara-negara.

Monday, September 2, 2024

MEMBANGUN GENERASI EMAS: Strategi Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter

Image: book cover

Buku ini membahas tentang:

Buku ini menceritakan tentang pentingnya pendidikan berbasis karakter dalam membangun generasi emas yang berkualitas dan berintegritas. Melalui serangkaian bab yang komprehensif, pembaca akan dibimbing memahami konsep dasar, landasan teoritis, hingga implementasi praktis pendidikan karakter di sekolah dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Buku ini juga menggarisbawahi peran penting orang tua, studi kasus nyata, serta evaluasi dan assesmen dalam memastikan efektivitas pendidikan karakter. Tak hanya itu, teknologi dan tantangan dalam penerapan pendidikan karakter juga dibahas secara mendalam, memberikan solusi praktis bagi para pendidik dan pemangku kepentingan. Dengan fokus pada konteks Indonesia, buku ini menawarkan pandangan yang holistik mengenai masa depan pendidikan berbasis karakter, serta pentingnya pengembangan profesional guru dan peran institusi pendidikan dalam mendorong pembelajaran berbasis masalah.

Berikut bab yang akan dibahas pada buku ini:

Bab 1: Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter

Bab 2: Landasan Teoritis Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 3: Desain Kurikulum Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter

Bab 4: Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah

Bab 5: Peran Orang Tua dalam Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 6: Studi Kasus Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 7: Evaluasi dan Assesmen Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 8: Pendidikan Karakter dan Pengembangan Moral

Bab 9: Teknologi dan Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 10: Tantangan dan Solusi dalam Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 11: Pendidikan Karakter dalam Konteks Indonesia

Bab 12: Pengembangan Profesional Guru dalam Pendidikan Karakter

Bab 13: Masa Depan Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter

Bab 14: Peran Institusi Pendidikan dalam Mendorong Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test (PDF + Audio CDs)

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Tes TOEFL Berbasis Kertas (PBT) adalah versi TOEFL yang lebih lama dan hanya tersedia di beberapa negara tertentu. Sejauh ini, tes tersebut merupakan tes yang tidak terlalu awam digunakan jika dibandingkan dengan versi TOEFL yang satu lagi. TOEFL PBT adalah tes yang benar-benar berbeda dibandingkan tes TOEFL online, yang disebut dengan TOEFL iBT. Beberapa perbedaan utamanya adalah tes tersebut biasanya lebih pendek, tidak terdapat komponen kemampuan berbicara, dan juga dinilai dalam skala yang berbeda.

TOEFL PBT berlangsung selama 2.5 jam dan dibagi ke dalam 4 bagian. Bagian kemampuan mendengar merupakan tes yang pertama dan berlangsung selama 30 sampai 40 menit dengan total pertanyaan sebanyak 50 soal. Bagian pertama dari bagian mendengarkan mempunyai rekaman suara pendek dan juga pertanyaan mengenai rekaman tersebut. Bagian yang kedua mempunyai rekaman suara yang lebih panjang.

Bagian kedua dari tes TOEFL PBT tidak mempunyai kesamaan dengan tes bahasa Inggris terstandarisasi lainnya. Bagian ini adalah bagian Structure and Written Expression, saat murid harus mengisi kolom kosong dengan kalimat-kalimat dan menemukan bagian yang salah dalam tulisan yang disediakan. Bagian ini berlangsung selama 25 menit.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Integrasi Bahasa dalam Dunia Pendidikan

Book cover

Bahasa berfungsi sebagai landasan kemampuan kita untuk belajar dan mengajar secara efektif. Ini adalah saluran di mana pemikiran dan ide mengalir, memungkinkan komunikasi, akses terhadap informasi, dan kolaborasi. Pada saat yang sama, pendidikan merupakan perwujudan dari proses memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan tidak dapat disangkal bahwa bahasa sangatlah penting dalam perjalanan ini.

Interkoneksi antara pendidikan dan bahasa sangat mendalam. Kemahiran dalam bahasa pengantar secara signifikan meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa dan keberhasilan keseluruhan di sekolah. Sebaliknya, siswa yang bergulat dengan kendala bahasa sering kali mendapati diri mereka tertinggal dalam hal akademis. Hubungan simbiosis antara pendidikan dan bahasa diwujudkan dalam berbagai cara.

Bahasa berfungsi sebagai media yang melaluinya pendidik menyampaikan pengetahuan, menjelaskan konsep yang rumit, memberikan instruksi, dan menawarkan umpan balik kepada siswa. Selain itu, materi pendidikan, seperti buku teks dan lembar kerja, sebagian besar dibuat dalam bahasa pengantar. Bahkan penilaian dan tes dilaksanakan dalam bahasa ini, yang menggarisbawahi peran mendasarnya dalam proses pendidikan.

Pembelajaran informal, yang merupakan komponen penting dalam perkembangan anak, sangat bergantung pada bahasa. Percakapan dengan orang tua, pengasuh, dan orang dewasa lainnya menawarkan anak-anak jendela terhadap dunia, memperkaya kosa kata dan pemahaman mereka tentang berbagai mata pelajaran. Bermain, sebuah aspek integral dari masa kanak-kanak, sering kali melibatkan bahasa, ketika anak-anak menciptakan skenario imajinatif dan berinteraksi dengan teman sebayanya, sehingga mengembangkan keterampilan linguistik mereka.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

PINTU GERBANG PENGETAHUAN: Pengantar Pendidikan untuk Perjalanan Pembelajaran yang Inspiratif

Book Cover

Setiap siswa mempunyai pengalaman unik di sekolah, namun banyak yang mengatakan bahwa sekolah itu sulit. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi sulit karena siswa tidak dapat belajar secara efektif tanpa memaksakan batas kemampuan mereka setiap hari. Namun, ada beberapa hal yang dapat membuat proses pendidikan lebih menyenangkan dan bermanfaat. Memiliki guru yang lemah lembut dan pengertian merupakan salah satu aspek yang dapat membuat sekolah menjadi lebih baik. Faktor lain yang tak kalah penting adalah belajar di lingkungan yang nyaman dan kreatif.

Siswa perlu merasa terinspirasi dan terlibat di kelas untuk mengakses kreativitas mereka dan mengekspresikannya sesuai kebutuhan. Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa siswa muda suka bermain dengan kata-kata, warna, atau tekstur dan menciptakan kreasi mereka sendiri. Lingkungan yang menginspirasi memungkinkan mereka untuk melatih kreativitas mereka dan merasa nyaman melakukannya.

Jika Anda seorang pendidik, luangkan waktu untuk mempersonalisasi ruang kelas untuk memastikan siswa Anda terus tertarik dengan lingkungan belajar mereka. Cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini adalah dengan mendorong kelas untuk membuat dekorasi. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat mengejutkan siswa Anda dengan dekorasi yang menyenangkan dengan melihat tema dekorasi kelas. Mendekorasi ruang kelas untuk menandai suatu peristiwa atau menyajikan suatu mata pelajaran akan membuat siswa Anda tetap bersemangat di sekolah.

Anak-anak dan remaja selalu ingin tahu tentang segala hal, dan pikiran mereka menyerap informasi seperti spons. Belajar dalam lingkungan yang merangsang secara visual dapat membuat siswa senang dan puas. Selama bersekolah, mereka pasti merasa tertantang untuk menggunakan kemampuan kognitif, indra, dan imajinasinya. Stimulasi tersebut dapat berasal dari pembelajaran, namun sebagian dapat pula berasal dari lingkungan. Siswa akan menganggap ruang kelas biasa-biasa saja sebagai sesuatu yang membosankan. Stimulasi kognitif dan visual sangat penting untuk perkembangan otak, sehingga menjaga siswa tetap tertarik dengan lingkungannya adalah komponen kunci dari proses pendidikan.

Lingkungan yang penuh warna dan inspiratif membantu siswa menjalani hari-hari sekolah dengan penuh semangat terhadap tugas dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Ini juga membantu mereka mengembangkan hubungan emosional dengan kelas, teman sekelas, dan guru. Jika mereka merasa nyaman di dalam kelas, kemungkinan besar mereka ingin berada di sana.

Anak-anak tidak membutuhkan banyak hal fisik atau materi untuk berkembang. Namun, mereka memerlukan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi minat, mengembangkan keterampilan, dan menguji kreativitas mereka. Lingkungan belajar yang menginspirasi harus menyediakan siswa dengan semua alat, bahan, dan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk membangun keterampilan dan memperluas pengetahuan mereka tentang dunia fisik dan kognitif.

Untuk merasa terinspirasi di kelas, siswa harus memiliki akses ke buku, album foto, karya seni, alat musik, perlengkapan seni, dan bahan lain yang dapat membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu dan mendorong mereka untuk bertanya. Jika Anda seorang pendidik, perkenalkan siswa Anda pada materi dan sumber daya yang dapat memulai percakapan bermanfaat tentang topik yang dibahas selama pelajaran.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Book Cover: English for Civil Engineering

English has long been known as an international language used in almost all parts of the world. By mastering English, a person has the opportunity to communicate with people from other parts of the world. You don't have to communicate with people from countries that use English as a national language such as the United States, England or Australia, but also with citizens of other countries. English is a global language today. Indians, Chinese or Turks are already using English to expand business.

For communication purposes, an engineering worker should pay attention to the following: 1. Most of the theory is taught in English. For this reason, the expected level of English proficiency is very important. 2. Today's engineering workers must communicate with colleagues spread across the world. Among most professionals such as scientists, technologists and business experts who have different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, English is considered a communication language that can connect people from different backgrounds.

For professional purposes, English may be very useful. Here are some reasons: 1. In today's world, employers are looking for graduates with good communication skills, along with technical knowledge. 2. Having good communication skills is a valuable asset for engineering workers. Professionals with a good understanding of English are included in higher level standards in a company. These workers will have a greater opportunity to be sent abroad to work or to undergo training.

English is a universal language used in many fields of work including engineering. In fact, English is considered a language that can open up knowledge. Today, most books dealing with the latest technology, academic papers, notes, webinars, and other technical communications are in English — although many translations provide technical material in several languages. English proficiency can ensure access to new knowledge, enabling engineering workers to learn more about their craft, share ideas with others in different parts of the world via social media, and find better solutions to the problems they are working on.

If you want to take this study program, there is no need to worry because civil engineering has many opportunities in society. Apart from being a private employee working in the housing industry, you can also try registering with various government agencies.

Several government agencies that require civil engineering graduates are the National Planning Agency or BPN, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR, as well as other state-owned companies engaged in the construction sector.

There is no need to be afraid of not getting a job after graduating because there are still many people who need services for building houses, buildings and regional infrastructure.

Not to mention, development in Indonesia still needs to be worked on so that it becomes more evenly distributed from one region to another. So, worrying about the lack of job vacancies in this field doesn't need to be on your mind anymore.

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Teknik termasuk dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK) yang bertujuan untuk pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris dan agar mahasiswa mampu mengetahui, memahami serta berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris  dalam  bidang  rekayasa Teknik Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan dengan baik dan benar; serta memiliki kemampuan dasar bahasa Inggris yang dilatihkan yaitu  reading,  listening, speaking, dan writing dalam topik bahasan: Introduction to English for Civil Engineering, Buliding Materials, Basic Math, Hand and Power Tools, Describing Shapes, Asking and Giving Directions, Asking and Giving Suggestion, Measurements & Safety Equipments and Precautions, dan Hand and Power Tools.

Monday, February 5, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Safety Equipment

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment that has the ability to protect a person whose function is to isolate part or all of the body from potential dangers in the workplace. (Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, 2010). PPE is very important considering the high risk of accidents in the construction sector. Based on the article Controlling Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Risks in Construction, the number of work accidents still needs to be a big concern for the government and construction service companies. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, there were 110,285 accident cases in 2015, 105,182 accident cases in 2016, and 80,392 accident cases in 2017. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the final form of risk control based on the risk control hierarchy. Every company in the construction sector is obliged to provide PPE for workers/laborer's at the workplace.

PPE focuses on various or all things that have an influence on other aspects. Starting from a condition of safety, security and health for each worker. Even the work environment also greatly influences the project implementation process.

The main benefit of Construction PPE is to prevent, reduce and extinguish various risks of accidents, fires and even explosions. Construction PPE will also provide instructions or opportunities to escape when an emergency occurs. That way, with its application it is able to provide assistance and function as a means of protection when an accident or other emergency occurs.

In its activities with construction projects, Construction PPE controls the distribution of temperature, dust, dirt, wind, sound, vibration, and many other factors or objects so that risks such as the emergence of occupational diseases, whether physical or psychological, can be controlled. Of course, Construction PPE is very useful in various emergency situations. Its application is useful for securing and providing a smooth emergency evacuation process, and can even be used to maintain buildings.

Regulations Regarding PPE

PPE must comply with Indonesian National Standards (SNI) or applicable standards and must be worn by workers on all jobs according to the type of work. The legal basis governing the use of PPE in general is included in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number Per.08/MEN/VII/2010 concerning Personal Protective Equipment. Specific PPE regulations in the construction sector are included in the Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 05/PRT/M/2014 concerning Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (SMK3) for Construction in the Public Works Sector.

Components of Personal Protective Equipment in the Construction Workplace

PPE consists of various components to protect different parts of the body, such as Head Protective Equipment, Eye Protective Equipment, Ear Protective Equipment, Respiratory Protective Equipment, Hand Protective Equipment, Protective Clothing, and Foot Protective Equipment.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Technology-Assisted English Language Learning

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Nowadays, the role and function of information and communication technology has many roles in the world of education, especially in the learning process. One of them is learning English. In this digital era, education must integrate information and communication technology into all subjects. With the development of digital era education, it is possible for students to gain abundant knowledge quickly and easily.

In the educational context, understanding the characteristics of each generation is important to determine how effective educational strategies are provided to students. The goal is not just students' academic and pedagogical achievements, but also how the educational process can grow students' character and love for learning activities. Currently, most of Generation Zero are of school age. This means that adapting the learning system in our educational spaces must take into account the characteristics of Generation Zero to suit their needs without ignoring their interests and habituation as a generational group.

In an increasingly advanced digital era, technology has played an increasingly important role in education, especially in English language learning. The use of technology in the teaching and learning process has opened the door to more interactive, effective and fun learning methods. This has changed the landscape of English education and is key to improving students' language skills in the future. One of the main advantages of technology in English language learning is its ability to create deep and engaging learning experiences. Through online platforms, students can access a variety of resources, such as interactive training programs, multimedia learning materials, and advanced technology-based applications designed specifically for English language learning. In this way, students can learn in a way that is more interesting, involved, and suits their respective learning styles. In addition, technology also allows for better collaboration and communication between students.

Through online communication tools, students can interact with their classmates, discuss English topics, share opinions, and even participate in collaborative projects. This not only improves students' speaking and listening skills in English, but also builds confidence and collaboration skills that are important in the real world. Technology also expands the accessibility of English language learning. With the online learning platform, students from various geographical and economic backgrounds can access English learning materials flexibly and affordably. This helps overcome physical and financial barriers to obtaining a quality education, thereby expanding opportunities for everyone to develop English language skills. In addition, technology also allows for more accurate tracking and assessment of student progress in learning English. By using adaptive learning software and data analysis tools, teachers can monitor individual student progress, identify areas of weakness, and provide more personalized feedback. This allows learning to be tailored to each student's needs, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cambridge Complete IELTS (Ebooks & Audio CDs)

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The development of globalization has facilitated the opportunity for individuals worldwide to relocate to various nations, whether it be for residential, occupational, or educational purposes. Fluency in the language spoken in the country is crucial when it comes to migrating and entering a foreign nation. Evidence of linguistic competence may be necessary to demonstrate an individual's ability to communicate in the language spoken in the country they are visiting. IELTS is widely acknowledged as evidence of English language competency in numerous English-speaking nations.

Currently, there is an observable surge in the quantity of Indonesian students pursuing education overseas. In Australia, specifically, there were a total of 8748 Indonesian students, according to the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016. The tendency emerged as a consequence of the financial sponsorships offered in Indonesia to equip the younger generation with the means to pursue higher education in prestigious colleges worldwide.

However, in certain instances, the mandate for a standardized language competency examination can provide difficulties for Indonesian prospective candidates. Essentially, individuals have the chance to pursue education in a foreign country due to the abundance of scholarships offered by both the government and the host nation. However, fulfilling the language competence criteria, specifically the IELTS exam, can pose a challenge. There are likely other factors contributing to the difficulties Indonesian students have with the IELTS exam. Initially, individuals are inadequately equipped to handle a rigorous assessment framework like IELTS while pursuing their English education at school or university.

The value of IELTS test for students:

As a potential international student, it is crucial for you to showcase your ability in the English language as a requirement for the university admission procedure. It is important to note that various English language assessments may be required for admission. Given the multitude of choices, one may question the distinguishing factors and the reasons behind the widespread popularity of IELTS. We are here to address these inquiries and provide comprehensive explanations regarding the advantages of taking an IELTS examination.

The global recognition that IELTS receives is one of the primary factors contributing to its status as the most widely accepted English language test worldwide. The test is recognized and approved by more than 10,000 organizations across around 140 nations. Over three million individuals, including international students and others seeking to relocate to another country, take this annually.

The IELTS test possesses a distinct edge over other English language tests, such as TOEFL, due to a significant rationale. Immigration agencies universally recognize IELTS as proof of proficiency in the English language. It is imperative to consider this aspect while submitting a visa application, as well as when applying to a university. Significantly, it is the preferred examination for nations such as the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Intelligent Business Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate by Pearson Longman (Coursebook and CD-ROM)

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Business English abilities are essential for progressing in your profession. If you want to work efficiently in an international context, you need improve your business English vocabulary and knowledge. Overall, it will open many doors and provide new professional prospects.

There is a diverse selection of English language courses available in the market. All of these can help you improve your English language skills. However, business English is a subset of English that concentrates on the corporate language that is most widely employed in the business world. It is part of the international business community's skill sets.

Business English classes cover vocabulary and phrases used in business and professional settings, business writing, presenting presentations, expressing viewpoints, bargaining, describing graphs and charts, and conducting and participating in meetings. Furthermore, business English includes topics such as teamwork, business travel, relationship building, and job interview preparation.

Obviously, you may choose specialized business English classes that focus on specific fields such as law, finance, marketing and advertising, trade, politics, logistics, tourism, and medicine. After completing a broad business English course, the majority of students choose to specialize in a specific business field.

Learning business English will allow you to improve your existing English skills as well as gain new knowledge. You will study vocabulary and expressions unique to your branch, as well as how to compose business communication and perform other practical work-related tasks. You will also have the opportunity to improve your general English skills, such as grammar and pronunciation. Furthermore, the practice and interaction activities in a business English course will help you gain confidence when speaking English. You will be able to hold a conversation about both general and business themes.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized, interconnected, and communicative. There are economic relationships between organizations from all over the world, thus the need to communicate in a common language is obvious. While studying business English, you will discover how international firms work together, conduct business, and form professional relationships. Simultaneously, strengthening your business English abilities can have a significant impact on your future job, helping you to develop more quickly than you ever imagined.

General Information:

Prepare your students for the world of business with Intelligent Business. Using authentic materials from The Economist magazine, Intelligent Business covers key business concepts within a comprehensive business English syllabus.

• Teach engaging lessons using the Teacher’s Book, which has resources for the Coursebook and Workbook as well as the Skills Book and Video.

• Get all the test material you could ever need using the Teacher’s Book and Test Master CD-ROM, with fully editable tests for all stages of the course.

Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Transaksional

Book Cover
Puja dan puji syukur kami haturkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat rahmat-Nyalah buku dengan judul Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional dapat selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional mengenal Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional.

Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam sebelas bab yang memuat tentang pentingnya komunikasi interpersonal dalam mewujudkan Pendidikan yang berkualitas, keterampilan berbicara, keterampilan menulis, keterampilan nonverbal, keterampilan presentasi, komunikasi dalam kelompok, negosiasi dan penyelesaian konflik, komunikasi dalam bisnis, etika komunikasi, komunikasi dalam hubungan romantic dan komunikasi dalam keluarga.

Ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada seluruh pihak yang telah berkontribusi penuh dalam seluruh rangkaian penyusunan sampai penerbitan buku ini. Secara khusus, terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada Intelektual Manifes Media (Infes Media) sebagai inisiator buku ini. Buku ini tentunya banyak kekurangan dan keterbatasan, saran dari pembaca sekalian sangat berarti demi perbaikan karya selanjutnya. Akhir kata, semoga buku ini bisa bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.

Buku dengan judul Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional dapat selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional mengenal Bahasa Inggris: Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Transaksional. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam sebelas bab yang memuat tentang pentingnya komunikasi interpersonal dalam mewujudkan Pendidikan yang berkualitas, keterampilan berbicara, keterampilan menulis, keterampilan nonverbal, keterampilan presentasi, komunikasi dalam kelompok, negosiasi dan penyelesaian konflik, komunikasi dalam bisnis, etika komunikasi, komunikasi dalam hubungan romantic dan komunikasi dalam keluarga.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test (CD-ROM and Book)

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The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a measure of English proficiency for students studying abroad.  This test is developed and managed by ETS (Educational Testing Services), a non-profit organisation based in New Jersey, USA. This test can be administered on paper, computer, or internet. TOEFL is a widely used international test. Accepted and recognised by over 10,000 institutions and educational agents in 130 countries (

Indonesia, with the world's fourth-largest population, is a possible market for this test. Students seeking to study abroad strive to acquire the necessary scores for acceptance at their desired colleges or universities. To get the desired TOEFL score, private and state-owned institutions adapt their preparatory courses accordingly. Most Indonesian education institutions set admittance standards for postgraduate programmes at 500 or above, without taking into account students' communication skills. This suggests that the TOEFL preparation course has not yet prioritised students' English communication skills.

E-learning uses the internet to connect teachers and students. E-learning technologies can facilitate the implementation and study of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). This technology allows students to learn TOEFL anywhere and at any time, helping them improve their scores.

The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL®Test includes skill-building and practice tests to help learners succeed on the Test of English as a Foreign Language. This comprehensive test-preparation course is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The third edition includes a CD-ROM component containing seven complete practice tests. The tests may be taken in study mode, which generates feedback on their responses, or in test mode, which simulates the experience of taking the exam by computer. The text provides a complete tutorial and a wealth of new activities to introduce students to the new computer formats and activity types. More than 200 exercises fully updated for the new exam, 6 hours of listening material, a complete grammar review, and a mini-writing course are also provided.

The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting.

The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated-skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL iBT, this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The book contains hundreds of skill-building exercises covering all the question types in the exam, and four practice tests. A supporting skills section is provided to improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and study skills.Online, students can take the book tests and three additional practice tests in format that simulates the TOEFL iBT. The audio program, available on Audio CD or Audio Cassette, contains conversations and lectures for all listening exercises and test questions.

Key features:

• Hundreds of skill-building exercises, numerous test-taking strategies, and frequent progress checks help students succeed on the TOEFL® iBT.

• Seven practice tests, delivered online, help prepare students for the online test.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Kaplan TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and Ebook

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Recognised by more than 10,000 colleges, universities and agencies, TOEFL® is the world's most popular English language test. We'll help you build the advanced English skills and sophisticated exam technique you need to succeed, with tailored classes exploring the structure of the exam and full-length practice tests. 

Our TOEFL preparation courses will leave you ready to face the Internet-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT®) in full confidence. Our standard TOEFL course offers you a balance of specialized study and free time, while our Intensive TOEFL program provides extra Specific Skills lessons and additional practice tests.

• Students unable to attend a live course could instead enroll in Kaplan’s TOEFL® Online Course.

• Improve your TOEFL score by at least 5 points within 8 weeks*

• An internationally recognized TOEFL® iBT

• Prepare for university in the USA or Canada

• Benefit from expert instruction, exclusive course materials, and a curriculum developed by Kaplan, the world leader in TOEFL iBT® preparation

• Enhance your CV and chance for professional success in the future

• Receive an accredited Kaplan International Languages Certificate of Achievement with language level and attendance

The TOEFL iBT tests your abilities in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Kaplan’s TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM presents the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on this test. The TOEFL is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad.

Kaplan’s comprehensive guide gives you exactly what you will need to get ready for test day, including:

• 4 full-length practice tests on CD-ROM with detailed answer explanations

• Focused practice for each section of the test

• Listening practice on CD-ROM, with complete transcripts in the book

• Exclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking

• Effective study tips for advanced ESL students

Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: Next Generation (iBT) (CD-ROM and Ebook)

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TOEFL exam scores are based on the results of three sections: hearing comprehension, structure and writing expression, and reading comprehension. This test is commonly used at most colleges to assess students' English competence.

Listening is the hardest element for EFL students to complete out of the three. As a result, they must be strategic when listening to longer and more varied sections; also, they should be accustomed to listening to both dialogues and monologues on the TOEFL. When listening to monologues, the listener should "process long stretches of speech without interruption-the stream of speech will go on whether or not the hearer comprehends" and identify the 'interpersonal and transactional' features from listening to dialogues. 

Furthermore, listening to natives necessitates some strategic ways of comprehension, which many students frequently struggle with; thus, EFL teachers could facilitate and train students to cope with some learning materials, time management, media, and the gradual teaching listening should be from "basic to more complex". As a result, it is vital to carefully plan the listening activities as one progresses to more intricate operations. Using 'new tactics' can improve teaching and learning.

General Information:

Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFLA (R) Test: Next Generation (IBT), a book/CD-ROM package written by Deborah Phillips, gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the new TOEFLA (R) integrated-skills test. Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the test, the Longman Preparation Course is appropriate for courses in TOEFLA (R) Test preparation or as a supplement to more general English courses. Note: You must have the audio program to use the listening material (the Skills Practice, the Mini-Tests, and the Complete Tests) in the textbook. Click here to order the audio program (on CD or audiocassette). 

The Student Book features: 

Authentic material for all the new types of passages and questions on the test. 

Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests that allow students to identify strengths and weaknesses and assess improvement in each section. 

Practice sections for the four skills: 

• Reading provides practice exercises in the new test formats, including filling in a table or chart and paraphrasing. 

• Listening provides authentic conversations between two people in an academic setting and academic lectures with new questions about a speaker's attitude or purpose.

• Speaking includes personal and expository tasks and integrated tasks.

• Writing consists of expository and integrated tasks: reading/listening/writing.

• Eight mini-tests that preview the test's integrated four-skills format. 

• Two complete practice tests that familiarize students with the actual test format and timing.

The CD-ROM features: 

• Completely different material from the Student Book. 

• Practice sections for all parts of the test, including speaking.

• Eight mini-tests, and two complete tests. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Longman Preparation Course for The TOEFL Test - The Paper Test (With CD-ROM and Audios)

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Almost all universities require graduating students to undergo English proficiency examinations to assess their ability to master the language. Hughes (2003) noted that proficiency exams are used to assess people's abilities in a language even if they have been trained in it. Furthermore, several overseas universities require students who wish to enroll to complete English proficiency tests such as IELTS and TOEFL. Furthermore, students seeking scholarships may be required to submit an IELTS or TOEFL score with a specific passing grade.

Deborah Phillips' Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL test is a popular TOEFL course book. This book is meant to help students prepare for the TOEFL test in paper format. The TOEFL paper-based test includes listening comprehension, structure, written expression, and reading comprehension. This book includes diagnostic pre-tests, TOEFL post-tests, and exercises in both non-TOEFL and TOEFL formats. This book also includes skills and methods, as well as clearly defined actions to help pupils enhance their test performance. The entire examinations, which are offered in paper format, allow students to simulate the experience of taking actual TOEFL tests, with all sections combined into one whole test.

This book/CD-ROM package gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the TOEFL® paper-based test. Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the paper test, the Longman Preparation Course is appropriate for courses in TOEFL® test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses.

In the Student Book:

• Complete language skills instruction for skills tested on both the TOEFL® paper test and the Test of Written English.

• Longer reading passages that reflect the latest testing format. Diagnostic pre-tests and evaluation post-tests for each section that allow students to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

• Practice exercises for each of the language skills that maximize understanding and retention.

• Five complete Practice Tests that familiarize students with the actual test format and timing.

In the CD-ROM:

• An additional 1,450 test questions in both practice sections and three more simulated tests.

• Pop-up explanations to enhance understanding.

• Easy-to-use scoring and record keeping to monitor progress.

A separate audio program -- available on your choice of cassettes or CDs -- includes the complete materials from the Listening Comprehension section and Complete Tests in the text.

Longman Student CD ROM For the TOEFL Test can be an effective and fun TOEFL learning medium as well as helping to understand the types of problems that are usually tested on the TOEFL Test.

Software in this CD-ROM (Longman Student CD-ROM for The TOEFL Test: The Paper Test) includes:

1. Skill Practices:

Listening Comprehension Practices.

Structure and Written Expression practices.

Reading Comprehension Practices, and

Test Of Written English Practices.

2. Tests

Listening Comprehension Tests.

Structure and Written Expression Tests.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Measurements in Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering measurements have now become an important part of modern society. In fact, it has become one of the fields that many students are interested in. Because there are many benefits such as being able to build construction, roads and many other things.

In the field of engineering, especially civil engineering, measuring an area is very important. This aims to determine the physical condition of the surface of the area. For example, to find out the difference in height and low in an area where a highway is planned to be built, careful measurements must be taken first. From here it is finally known which parts need to be excavated or buried. If this is not done, the highway will have a shape that is too winding, climbing and descending. This obviously increases the cost of transporting a vehicle, as well as increasing costs for materials and equipment. In this kind of measurement, the tools used are usually a theodolite, spirit level, rolling meter, and so on.

The vast expanse of the earth's surface has an irregular shape, resulting in problems in being able to determine the shape of the relief from the ground surface. Thus, finally, thanks to the tenacity of scientists, a science emerged relating to this problem, namely the science of Geodesy.
Geodesy is a science that is used to determine the shape (form) and size of part or all of the land surface in order to depict it. Meanwhile, land surveying is only a small part of the science of geodesy. The science of geodesy has two purposes, namely:
1. Scientific purpose: determining the shape of the earth's surface.
2. Practical purpose: to make a shadow, which is called map science, of a large or small part of the earth's surface.

Examples of tools used in measurements in the field of Civil Engineering are:
1. Water level
2. Roll meters
3. Measuring tank
4. Stakes
5. Other tools

Understanding Land Measurement in Civil Engineering
For those who are still unfamiliar with this matter, the science of land measurement is actually a branch of Geodesy which specifically studies a small part of the earth's surface. In practice, you can use various survey methods to get final results in the form of accurate maps. In simple terms, in the world of services we can call it a mapping service.
Geodesy itself covers many things, not only measuring the area of land on land, but also water areas in the form of seas, rivers, lakes and others. Describes the topography in the depths of water, analyses decision making and statistical calculations.

Various Types of Civil Engineering Measurement Sciences Based on Elements
Apart from the various methods that can be used to measure land, there are also groupings in the category of measuring science which are divided into several fields, the classification is based on the coverage of elements that exist in nature. Here's the review:

1. Land Surveying
Land surveying or what is often called land measurement. Things included in this group are topography and cadastral measurements. Both have their respective roles and different subjects.
Topography itself is a method used to measure land using natural or artificial marks on the land and to determine the topography down to the smallest detail. Meanwhile, cadaster is a land parcel information administration system.

2. Water Surveying
Next is marine or hydrographic or what is more often called water measurements. The categories included include measurements for tides, construction of coastal buildings such as tourism management, ports, reclamation, and many more.
Apart from these things, water measurements can also be used for ship navigation, or to determine the ebb and flow of waves in that water area. Currently, the Indonesian Navy has even used this technique to increase the country's maritime resilience.

3. Astronomical Surveying
Then there is astronomical surveying or what is often called astronomical measurements. This is an activity carried out to determine the position on the face of the earth by utilizing objects in the sky.
The methods used in measurements are also varied, such as apparent star magnitude, absolute, and many more. However, high expertise and precision is required so that the results obtained are accurate and can be accounted for.

Civil Engineering Measurements Based on Area of Coverage
After knowing more about soil science measurements based on elements found in nature, we can now classify them according to the extent of coverage in the area. There are various types of methods that can be used in the field. Here's

Thursday, January 11, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Basic Maths

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Basic math is nothing but the simple or basic concept related with mathematics. Generally, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called the basic math operation. The other mathematical concepts are built on top of the above 4 operations.

Along with the concept of these operation, we need to understand the different properties of these operation as well as relation among these operations.

You may have encountered math problems in English. However, the pronunciation of these mathematical operations is definitely different from Indonesian.

Mathematical operations are defined as processes performed on numbers, including addition, subtraction, and others. The following is the pronunciation of mathematical operations in English.

On this occasion we will give you a way to read mathematical symbols in English. Wow, what does mathematics and English look like together? Hey, don't give up yet. Mathematics is not something foreign to people all over the world, so we as English language learners certainly need to know mathematical symbols. Without further ado, let's just look at the following mathematical symbols in English.

Mathematical Addition Operations

The addition operation in English is called addition. The form is the same as the form of mathematical addition in Indonesia, only the difference is in how it is read and how it is pronounced. To make it easier for you, let's look at the example below:


For the addition example above, there are various ways to pronounce the number operation. This method is divided into three, namely one plus two is three, one plus two equals to three, and one added by two equals to three.

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Mathematical Subtraction Operations

The reduction operation in English is called subtraction. Just like addition or addition, there are several ways you can use to say the subtraction operation in English. For greater clarity, let's look at the following example:

English for Civil Engineering: Describing Shapes

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Every day, we see various objects with different shapes. Shapes in English are called shapes. These shapes can be drawn or in the form of two dimensions or three dimensions. This two-dimensional shape is called a flat shape, while the three-dimensional shape is a space shape.

Shapes is very important because without understanding shapes, we cannot identify objects. In geometry, a shape can be defined as the form of an object or its outline, outer boundary or outer surface.

Everything we see in the world around us has a shape. We can find different basic shapes such as the two-dimensional square, rectangle, and oval or the three-dimensional rectangular prism, cylinder, and sphere in the objects we see around us. These geometric shapes appear in objects we see as credit cards, bills and coins, finger rings, photo frames, dart boards, huts, windows, magician’s wands, tall buildings, flower pots, toy trains, and balloons.


No less important to understand are the various lines in studying shapes. In general, lines only consist of two types, the first is straight lines and the second is curved or curved lines. However, for the details themselves, the lines are divided into their own sections. There are various types of lines, there are vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, curved lines and parallel lines.

Monday, January 8, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Building Materials

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Having your own home is everyone's dream. But, as is known, having your own home is not cheap and it takes a long time to achieve this dream. Therefore, we must pay attention to and prepare everything, including the building materials that will be used to build our dream home, whether it is a new house or one that is about to be renovated. The best quality is of course the choice so that it lasts long and is strong.

Before designing the construction of a building, it is a good idea to first know what building materials are needed. Not only natural materials are used in building construction, but also materials that come from factories. Natural building materials receive very little factory interference, for example wood and glass. Meanwhile, manufactured building materials are mostly processed in factories, for example pipes and cement. Each type has its own function.

One of the important stages in the process of building a building is choosing building materials. The building materials chosen will greatly influence the quality of the building. If you work as an architect, then you are responsible for determining the best building materials for the design you have created. If you work as a contractor, you can help provide recommendations for good and quality building materials for the project you are handling.

History of the use of building materials

Building materials have been used since 8000-6000 years BC, where remains of buildings made of mud brick were found in Eastern Europe from that era. In Indonesia, during the colonial era, the Dutch implemented the use of brick wall materials from Europe which were adapted to the climate and local wisdom of Indonesia. The development of knowledge has greatly influenced the use of building materials, which were originally unprocessed in their original form (such as bamboo, wood, leaves, soil, mud, etc.) and then processed into other forms that were considered stronger, simpler and easier to obtain.

The existence of new materials also influences the type of materials used, below are examples of changes in the use of materials from the past to the present.

• Soil is burned or dried in the sun to be used as building material.

• Before building construction using cement or the like, the usual adhesive for wall construction was stacked construction, which sometimes also used mud as an adhesive, perhaps because it could cause the pile of dried bricks to break.

• For wood connections before nails were known, the method used was with pegs and ties.

Grouping of building materials

In the world of construction, building materials are included in the facility construction sub-group among 50 construction information divisions by the Construction Specifications Institute.

Building materials according to their materials are divided into two groups:

• Organic building materials, such as wood, bamboo and others

• Building materials which are inorganic materials (except bitumen, asphalt, petroleum and so on, including organic materials)

Building materials according to their use can be classified as follows:

• Building materials for building construction

• Building materials for road construction

• Building materials for electrical and water installations

• Building materials for acoustic and thermal insulation

• Building materials for decoration and interior

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The following are 9 types of building materials for construction:

1. Bricks

We certainly already know what bricks are? Yes, brick is a type of stone made from clay that is burned until it has a distinctive reddish color. Bricks themselves function as building materials for walls. As time goes by, the use of bricks as a building material for walls is starting to decline, due to technological developments. Its popularity began to be replaced by bataringan. Bataringan itself is a building material for walls which is relatively cheaper than brick. Even so, brick remains the most commonly used building material, mainly because of its durability.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Introduction to Civil Engineering

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Have you guys ever thought about who are behind the construction of skyscrapers, bridges that cross oceans and roads that connect various remote areas in this country?

The buildings are the work of Civil Engineers. Yes, Civil Engineering is a branch of engineering that studies how to design, build and renovate not only buildings and infrastructure, but also the environment for the benefit of human life.

At the higher education level in Indonesia there are various study programs, one of which is Civil Engineering, there are even several vocational high schools that open this major. Talking about the Civil Engineering Department, there are many assumptions circulating in the community around us which think that Civil Engineering is the same as Civil Servants (PNS), because there is a Civil Servant at the end, of course this is an incorrect assumption. Hehee..

What is Civil Engineering Major?

Civil engineering is a field of science that studies planning, design, manufacturing and conservation to support the formation of an area. The science studied in this major generally involves applied mathematics and technology. Thus, a civil engineering graduate can understand building design and construction, taking into account aspects of the surrounding environment.

So, what are the courses that must be taken and the skills that must be mastered by someone majoring in civil engineering? Here are some names of courses that will accompany your study period: Calculus, Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Basics of Architecture, Introduction to Engineering and Design, Civil Construction Materials Engineering, Materials Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Traffic Engineering, Geometric Design Roads, and much more.

If civil engineering is a major that also requires understanding of building design, then what is the difference between this field of study and architecture? Well, Architecture is a major that studies a lot about building planning to produce products that have high aesthetic value and are functional.

However, there is a slight difference between architecture and civil engineering, namely that architecture generally focuses more on design. Then, a civil engineering graduate will realize the design.

What do you study in Civil Engineering major?

In civil engineering courses, most courses study calculations, including engineering mathematics, physics, engineering mechanics, etc. Depending on the credits held at each university, the names may differ. But in essence, most mathematical calculations are the same. The main material from the Civil Engineering major is:

1. Engineering mathematics

2. Engineering mechanics/engineering mechanics

3. Structural analysis

4. steel construction

5. concrete construction

6. wooden construction

7. foundation techniques

8. Hydrology

9. and civil informatics.

10. Earthquake engineering techniques

11. Structural dynamics,

12. Construction management

13. Water structures

14. hydraulics, and many more..

What are the Job Prospects for Civil Engineering Majors?

If you want to take this study program, there is no need to worry because civil engineering has many opportunities in society. Apart from being a private employee working in the housing industry, you can also try registering with various government agencies.

Several government agencies that require civil engineering graduates are the National Planning Agency or BPN, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR, as well as other state-owned companies engaged in the construction sector.

There is no need to be afraid of not getting a job after graduating because there are still many people who need services for building houses, buildings and regional infrastructure.

Not to mention, development in Indonesia still needs to be worked on so that it becomes more evenly distributed from one region to another. So, worrying about the lack of job vacancies in this field doesn't need to be on your mind anymore.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

English for Civil Engineering: Bridge Construction

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As is known, the development of bridges is in line with the development of human civilization. But it is not an easy thing and requires a long process to achieve the bridge structure as it exists today. The history of bridges begins with a "cut and try" process and then developed using empirical methods along with thoughts on knowledge of the materials that make up bridges.

The thinking of ancient civilizations has been a very valuable contribution to bridge technology. Ancient humans crossed rivers by installing stone pillars, logs, or fallen trees over very short spans. Ancient humans also used tree roots or branches as suspension bridges to hang from one tree to another.

The ancient type of bridge was a simple beam bridge, and was used only for short spans. However, in this era the arch bridge type was also found, even though the shape and construction materials were still relatively simple.

Over time, the era of iron and steel bridges was in line with the industrial revolution. In this era, iron bridges were built using curved principles, especially for road bridges, but in this era cantilevers were used in their construction. In this era, bridges use a variety of steel structural components and systems: decks, girders, trusses, arches, supports and cable hangers.

Bridges as a means of transportation have an important role in the smooth movement of traffic. Where the function of a bridge is to connect transportation routes or routes that are separated by rivers, swamps, lakes, straits, canals, highways, railways and other crossings.

Apart from that, the construction of bridges, which are one of the complementary road buildings which have a very vital function and role in supporting the smooth flow of transportation, is also an important need for the community. By building bridge infrastructure, the rate of economic growth in the community will accelerate because the flow of goods in and out, both agricultural products produced and goods needed by the community that must be imported from outside the region, will be delivered more quickly.

Initially, bridges were only used to connect two separate places over a relatively short distance. As it develops, bridges can be used to connect separate places at long distances, even across the sea. With the increase in technology and supporting facilities such as computers, space is no longer an obstacle.

From an economic perspective, bridges can reduce transportation costs. And in terms of time efficiency, the existence of a bridge can shorten travel time on separate land trips so that it can improve the community's economy.

5 Common Types of Bridge Construction

1. Truss Bridge

Truss Bridge is a bridge whose construction is stronger because it uses a triangular truss frame. Even though they are not embedded in the ground, the bridge pillars are stiffer because of the triangular shape that connects one pillar to another. Apart from that, the diagonal lines on the bridge pillars also function to transfer the load to a wider area, so that the load does not gather at one point.

2. Beam Bridge

Also known as a grider bridge, this construction design is the simplest way to make a bridge. Generally, this bridge is straight horizontal, with vertical pillars as pillars to strengthen it. Usually, piles are made of steel or concrete that are driven into the ground. Beam bridge construction is commonly used to connect two areas that are relatively close. For example, areas separated by rivers.

3. Arch Bridge

Arch or what in English means arch is a bridge that is made curved like an arrow. Even though construction saves more material (it doesn't require a lot of material), in terms of durability, this design is stronger than beams or trusses.

4. Cable Stayed Bridge

Cable-stayed bridges use cables as supporting elements for the traffic floor. In cable-stayed cables, the cable is directly supported by the tower.

5. Cable-stayed Bridge

A cable-stayed bridge is a continuous girder with one or more towers installed on the bridge pillars in the middle of the span. Cable-stayed bridges have a relatively low center of mass position so that this type of bridge is very good for use in areas with an earthquake risk and is used for varying span lengths of 100 – 600 meters.

6. Suspension Bridge

Suspension Bridge means a suspension bridge. The basic structural system of a suspension bridge is in the form of a main cable that carries a suspension bridge. Bridge traffic floors are usually not connected directly to the pillars, because the principle of supporting the girder lies in the cables.
