Thursday, October 26, 2017



Hallo semua!
How is it going?
Hari ini saya akan men-share kumpulan judul tesis S2 untuk jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
Berikut kumpulan judulnya yang telah saya kumpulkan waktu saya sedang menempuh pendidikan S2 di UNM Makassar.



Name/Reg. no

Supervisors :

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2. …………………………………………...

1.        Using “guiding questions and students’ Interest Topic-BasedDiscussion” In Developing Students’ Vocabularies and Basic Grammar.

2.        The Effectiveness Of English-Indonesian Bilingual Class In International Standard Secondary High School In Makassar

3.        Developing Students Vocabulary Through Peer Work Correction (An Error Analysis Technique)


Supervisors :

1.  …………………………………………..

2 . …………………………………………..
1.       Observing of Using Speech Act by Lecturers and Students at English Educational Study Program of Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University Bau-Bau (Class Room Discourse Analysis).

2.      Using Monolingual Approach in English Language Teaching Classroom (Absolute Using of English Instruction).

3.       The Use of Parallel Team teaching in Teaching Speaking at English Educational Study Program of DayanuIkhsanuddin University Bau-Bau.


Supervisors :

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2. …………………………………………...

1.  Using Bilingual in Teaching and Learning English In SMU Negeri 2 Bulukumba

2. The Effectiveness of Audio – Visual in Speaking English Classroom for the first semester in Unismu Makassar.

3. A Technique for Teaching Translation Skill in Developing Student Speaking Ability (Case Study at Unismuh English Students in the Fifth Semester.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1.    Analyzing the Feasibility of English Test (UN) by Using “ITEMAN” software

2.     Consciousness in Second Language Learning: Psychological Perspectives on the Role of Conscious Processes in Vocabulary Acquisition

3.    The Implementation of Communicative Approach in English Language Learning at Junior High School


Supervisors :

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2. …………………………………………...

1.  Using Fog Index Formula to Analyze the Readability Of English Written Material.

2.  Analyze the Features used in Spoken Dialogue and its Consequences in Real – Life Communication.

3. The Application of Genre – Based Approach in Enhancing Students’ Writing Composition. 


Supervisors :

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2. …………………………………………...

1.       A Survey of Senior High School Teachers Attitudes Toward Professionalization.

2.       The Relation Between Teachers Competence and Teachers Inferences of Students Self – Concept.

3.       Teaching Strategies Applied by Senior High School English Teachers to Motivate the Students in Learning English.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1. Improving the Writing Vocabulary Command in Elementary School Students by Using Teacher Drawing.

2.  Analyze the Importance of English in Primary Schools (in Third Grade at a Suburban School Makassar).

3.   Analyze (see) the comparison of the Effectiveness of Classroom Teaching English Language skills and English Classes in High School.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1.       Code Switching and Code Mixing in Using Indonesian Language on Religious Activities (Language Analysis in Majelis Ta’lim) in Soppeng Regency.

2.       Developing the Students’ Speaking Performance of Second year students of SMP 1 Lilirilau Sopeng Regency Through English Area Activities

3.   Plural Noun Formation in English and Arabic (Study of Comparative Analysis.


Supervisors :

1. ……………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………

1.   The Effectiveness of Using Outline to improve the students’ writing skill.

2.      The Effectiveness of Describing Picture Technique to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill.

3.  Analyzing Code Switching and Code Mixing of the Teachers in Bilingual Teaching. 


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1. The Effectiveness of Unfinished Sentence of Connecting Idea in Students Speaking Accuracy.

2. Enhancing Students Speaking Accuracy based Interactive Simulation Through Led Questions.

3.  Analyze the Comparison of Audio – Lingual Method and Silent Way in English Classroom.


Supervisors :

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2. …………………………………………...

1.   The Effect of Using Sequence Story Technique on the Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary.

2.       Building up the Ability of Students’ to Repair a Narrative Text with a Cloze- Style Activity.

3.       The Ability of Students to Paraphrase a Story in Paragraph.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1.       Analysis of the Application of Communicative Approach in the Implementation of Local Curriculum in Elementary School. 

2.      Teachers Beliefs about Teaching English to Elementary School Children. 

3.       The Comparative Effectiveness Teaching English Grammar with the Help of Text Book and by Using Group Work Activities. 


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………….

2. …………………………………………...

1.       The using of STAD technique in presenting students’ apprentice report at SMKN 1 Watansoppeng.

2.        Teaching English through Running Dictation Game in Enhancing students’ English Achievement at SMKN 1 Watansoppeng.

3.        A Comparative Study on English Achievement Between Male and Female Students at SMKN 1 Watansoppeng


Supervisors :

1. ……………………………………………

2. …………………………………………...

1.       Improving Students Reading Comprehension of the Second Semester Students of English Department of STKIP YPUP through Literature Circle.

2.        Improving Students Writing Attitude of the Second Semester Students of English Department of STKIP YPUP Through Writing on Facebook.

3.        Improving Students Speaking Ability of Second Semester Students of English Department of STKIP YPUP through Listening Narrative Speaker on Recording. 


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1.        Grammar Problems Encountered by the Second Year Students of MA PERGIS GANRA in Writing Text.

2.       Psychological Difficulties Influence the Second year Students of SMK 1 Watansopeng in Speaking English with Hotel Guests.

3.   Using Direction Reading – Thinking Activity (DRTA) in Developing Students’ Ability in Reading


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

1.      A Morphological Analysis of the Students’ Noun Derivations at the English Education Department Unismuh Makassar.

2.       The Error Analysis Structure of English Sentences Made By Third Semester Students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar.
3. Developing students’ Speaking Skill by Using Cognitive Coaching.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

3.      A Morphological Analysis of the Students’ Noun Derivations at the English Education Department Unismuh Makassar.

4.       The Error Analysis Structure of English Sentences Made By Third Semester Students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar.
3. Developing students’ Speaking Skill by Using Cognitive Coaching.


Supervisors :

1. …………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………...

5.      A Morphological Analysis of the Students’ Noun Derivations at the English Education Department Unismuh Makassar.

6.       The Error Analysis Structure of English Sentences Made By Third Semester Students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar.
3. Developing students’ Speaking Skill by Using Cognitive Coaching.

Ohh ya, jangan lupa like & commentnya yah..

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