Monday, January 21, 2019

Sharing Pengalaman & Tips Tes Seleksi CPNS Kemenristekdikti 2018

(Poster Penerimaan CPNS Kemenristek Dikti Tahun 2018)

Halloooo teman-teman dan kawan-kawan semuanya.
Apa kabar kalian semua??
Semoga selalu sehat & sukses yah.. 
Kali ini saya akan sedikit sharing pengalaman saya dalam seleksi penerimaan CPNS di lingkungan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek Dikti) tahun anggaran 2018.
Langsung saja yah 😁
Jadi begini..
Sewaktu saya mendengar kabar bahwa seleksi CPNS 2018 akan segera dibuka, saya sangat senang bukan main, saya gembira dan juga bersyukur karena ternyata itu bukan saja kabar burung πŸ˜‚
Itu karena terus terang, sewaktu tahun 2017, saya sudah pernah mengikuti seleksi penerimaan CPNS, namun di wilayah kementerian yang berbeda.
Waktu itu, saya mengikuti seleksi penerimaan di wilayah Kementerian Agama, tepatnya di Sentani, Jayapura, untuk formasi Dosen Asisten Ahli (S-2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) di STAKPN Sentani.
Jadi teringat kembali saat itu, saya berangkat subuh ke sana, besok paginya test seleksi kompetensi dasar (SKD) & hasilnya pun bikin nyesek.
Seperti yang kita ketahui, ada 3 aspek yang dinilai di SKD ini, yaitu Test Wawasan Kebangsaan (TWK), Tes Intelegensia Umum (TIU), dan Tes Karakteristik Pribadi (TKP).
Nilai ambang batas pun sudah ditentukan untuk untuk setiap aspeknya oleh Kemenpan RB.
Berikut nilai ambang batas untuk seleksi CPNS 2017.

(Passing Grade CPNS 2017)

Seperti yang saya katakan tadi, sewaktu test di Sentani, Jayapura, saya gagal di TIU dengan skor 75 (jadi lagi satu soal lalu saya lolos passing grade itu).
Memang saya orangnya kurang untuk TIU ini. Saya lemah di bagian analisis dan hitung-hitungan guys.
Tapi emang ada firasat juga sih sebelumnya.
Makanya jadinya nyesek 😭😭😭
Formasi yang saya daftar pun dibiarkan KOSONG pada tahun 2018.
Sayapun balik lagi ke Makassar keesokan dengan hati yang gundah gulana, seperti Romeo yang habis digampar sama Julia (loh, emang pernahπŸ˜‚????)
Tapi okelah, saya terima dengan lapang dada walaupun perlu waktu & tidak secepat kucing ketika liat ikan asin. Butuh waktu beberapa minggu.

Okeee baik, kita kembali ke laptop 😁

Well, singkat cerita beberapa bulan kemudian setelah peristiwa "tragis" di Kemenag, saya sudah move on dan berniat untuk belajar lebih giat lagi di seleksi penerimaan CPNS 2018 ini.
Kebetulan, penerapan passing grade tahun ini masih sama dengan tahun lalu.

(Passing Grade CPNS 2018)

Pengumuman penerimaan pun keluar sekitar bulan September kalau gak salah, dan saya lihat gak ada lagi formasi di tempat saya kemarin (STAKPN Sentani). Mungkin udah diisi dengan sendirinya.
Jadi setelah pengumuman, saya maksimalkan waktu untuk belajar, walaupun sebenarnya saya sudah belajar beberapa waktu sebelum pengumuman karena saat itu, isu penerimaan sangat kencang beredar bahkan beberapa waktu sebelum benar-benar ada pengumuman.
Kalau teman-teman yang sempat membaca artikel ini dan ingin belajar materi-materinya, saya sudah share kok beberapa file ebook yang saya pakai kemarin.

Ohh ya, saran saya sebelum mengikuti test CPNS, cari tahu dulu informasi mengenai formasi &

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Use of Fairy Tale to Enhance the Reading Comprehension of Young and Adult Learners in EFL Classroom

Picture's source:



A. Background

            Literature is as a basic component and source of authentic texts of the language curriculum. Some discussion have been done in how literature and EFL instruction can work together and interact for the benefit of students and teachers in improving reading comprehension. According to Saga (1987:1) stated that many teachers consider the use of literature in language teaching as an interesting and worthy concern.

Literature is useful in teaching reading. One of literary text that is always is used in teaching reading for young and adult learners namely fairy tale. Reading is one of important skills in learning. Reading is important because it can help the students to gain information such as general knowledge. Through reading students can improve their own knowledge which is needed to ensure the continuing personal growth and adapt the change in the world. But it is not always possible to teach reading English text in a way that all students will both be fun and enjoyment. However, the teacher should do his best in order to reach as much supportive learning environment in the classroom as possible. Using fairy tales in the language classroom with learners” starts to consider fairy tales as one of the possible supplementary teaching materials with the learners. Working with fairy tales may contribute to such classroom atmosphere with a great deal and fairy tale is one kind of literary work that literature is as a basic component and source of authentic texts of the language curriculum.

According to the past researches, there were some problems that were found in reading and short observation that is done by the writer. The young learners and adult learners in EFL classroom face many problems in learning English especially in reading text. They have to spend a long time to read the text but feel difficult to understand the main point of it. Moreover most of them think if reading is boring activity.

            Based on problem that happened toward the EFL learners in reading text, the writer introduces fairy tale in teaching reading that is expected to overcome the problems in EFL classroom. Using fairy tale in teaching reading is expected to gain the interest for reading and also self confident for them. The overall aim of diploma paper is to show benefits of fairy tales for the reading comprehension of young and adult learners that not only within the “walls” of school classroom but in their lives as well. According to Ziolkowski (2009:3), fairy tale is one of the few literary genres shared by people of all ages and social classes. Hopefully, the usage of fairy tales in English lessons will help the young and adult learners in reading comprehension and also to appreciate the literature of target language and build up positive attitude towards literature in general. So the writer of this paper interested to write the paper about “The Use of Fairy Tale to Enhance the Reading Comprehension of Young and Adult Learners in EFL Classroom”


Picture by:

Hallo teman-teman semuanya :)
Maaf lama gak update artikel.
Di tahun yang baru ini, tahun 2019, mari kita berharap & mendapat harapan serta kekuatan yang baru untuk memulai aktifitas kita.
Kali ini, saya mau berbagi cara penulisan lamaran calon dosen Bahasa inggris yang (tentunya dalam Bahasa inggris) dan merupakan pengalaman pribadi saya lohh..
Berikut contohnya:

Makassar, ………………., 2019


The Principal

Christian College of Teacher Training and Education of Wamena English Education Study Program

(STKIP Kristen Wamena)

Jl. Trans Wamena – Kurulu, Distrik Pisugi, Kabupaten Jayapura 99511

Dear Sir,

I am very much interested in the recruitment on Lecturer of English Education Study Program at STKIP Kristen Wamena. I hereby submit myself to fill the position.

My name is Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob. I am 25 years old. I am an alumnus of Graduate Program of English Education Department of State University of Makassar (UNM) with GPA

3.79. I am very self-motivated, have willing to learn new things and work hard. I have work experiences in teaching English at some private courses as well.

Based on the qualifications I have, hopefully I can give a great contribution to STKIP Kristen Wamena. As your consideration, along with this letter I am enclosing:

1.      Curriculum Vitae

2.      Copy of legalized transcripts

3.      Photocopy of ID Card

4.      TOEFL Preparatory Program Certificate

5.      Supporting certificates

6.      Latest photograph

I welcome the opportunity to discuss these qualifications at length and learn more about the position and your institution. I am ready for interview and micro-teaching at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration.


Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob